If you would like to see an example of my best, most belabored work, here you go.
Here we have two of my very favorite characters from my graphic novel series,
Covenant. Unfortunately, since I am not very far along in my progress of the graphic novels themselves, you won't know too much about these characters yet (in fact, one won't show up until Chapter
Nonetheless, this is some of my very best art and I thought I would show it off here. The reason I decided to do these pieces on Elhiroth and Knuta was to explore just how although they appear very similar, they also have very, very many differences that can be spotted just by looking. Together, the two of them aptly express the differences between the two "sides" that are enemies with one another in Covenant.
Firstly, we have Elhiroth, a.k.a. our mysterious man-in-the-red-cloak who graces the front cover of Covenant Volume 1, and makes an appearance once in each chapter so far, to come to Analise's rescue. I know I have been keeping his name secret, but it is revealed shortly at the beginning of the next upcoming chapter - besides, how many people actually read my blog??
Anyhow, you can tell from his facial expressions in the two pictures that he is a stoic and fairly soft-spoken character, who puts duty before his personal wants. This especially stands out when we compare him to the other character....
This is Knuta (Kuh-new-tah). One glance reveals just how very similar, and yet at the same time, how different he is from Elhiroth above. The two characters have almost exactly the same build, skintone, hair, and even eye color. But that is where the similarities end.
Knuta's outfit is much more designed to catch attention than Elhiroth's. While Elhiroth's cloak all but conceals his form beneath, Knuta's hides very little about his overall shape.
Also notably different is the color scheme and choice of symbols on the attire. Knuta's purple, black, and silver distinguishes him from Elhiroth's simple red and gold. Also, while Elhiroth's clothing is adorned with a golden circular emblem, Knuta's displays a pair of silver, rigid v-like charms.
(Even Knuta's name is composed of sharper syllables, while Elhiroth's runs more smoothly.)
The biggest difference between the two characters, though, is not in their clothing but how their personalities shine through the drawings. While Elhiroth's expression is quiet and revealing very little emotion, Knuta sports a slight grin, his arms spread as he holds himself in a very confident and even arrogant manner.
These differences become very significant plot points as the story of Covenant unfolds. For now, though, I'd like to show you what I've done with these four drawings - utilizing a program I have just recently learned to use and already am beginning to love, Adobe Indesign, I created a poster featuring these two characters side-by-side for easy comparison.
And here it is!
To see these works in full quality, I would HIGHLY, HIGHLY encourage clicking on them to see the enlarged version. I was extra careful in the overall putting together of these drawings and I think it really shows.