Monday, November 23, 2009

Ruka - Turnaround & Concept Sketches

Work on my character artbook requires me to focus on my seven specific characters that I've chosen to showcase, so I'll be posting a lot of art of these same characters (One-Wing, Elhiroth, Analise, Moon Dancer & Dusk, and Ruka & Ryru).
So here are some works of Ruka, some messy while others have been cleaned up. No color though - I've already done a full-render of her which can be found on a post here.

Ruka might be quite the twisted character, but she sure is cute and way fun to draw in her frilly dress and crazy poses/expressions. You can definately expect to see more of her.
It is amusing that Ryru (the male version, as seen in Covenant) came first, but I ended up liking Ruka better.
I'm far from done with Ryru though; I actually just finished a scene of Covenant chapter 3 which features him.
YES, I am working on my character artbook, Covenant the graphic novel, AND Moon Dancer II: The Tale Untold the written novel. Busy busy! But I love it all.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Final Two Chibis (for a while)

Here we have two more little mini-characters made in flash, which will make appearances in my character-art book.
Not shockingly, of course, the first one is One-Wing herself...
Hm, who is this one though? Not sure I know who this character is... though upon close inspection... is that a plushie of Miku Hatsune she's holding...? Hmmmm...
Anyhow, that's the end of the chibis for awhile, though I might make some more just for fun. And I will be posing/animating these guys eventually too. But they take a long time to build!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

High Quality Full Render - Dusk and Moon Dancer

I'm back with more pretty art for you all. I won't say a lot this time, and let the work speak for itself...

Slowly but surely getting better at this whole painting in photoshop thing. I know the textures are a bit messy on some parts. But overall another work I am proud of.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Falling Leaves

Just in time for autumn, here's a new character from Moon Dancer II: The Tale Untold (my current novel project).
Name: Falling Leaves
Race: Wulven
Pack: Terra
Rank: Beta Female
Age: 24
Brief bio: Falling Leaves is the oldest of five children and so often finds herself helping her parents (the alpha couple) handle the responsibility of caring for the others. However, even though she presents herself as happy and care-free, Falling Leaves is not content with her life and feels imprisoned by her role. When she meets Moon Dancer and Dusk, she becomes struck with jealousy at their freedom. She also finds herself attracted to Dusk...
I have become fond of this character and I think she looks so cute in this drawing. :)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Book Cover Complete!

In case you all forgot why I was making those chibis...
My cover is done at last! And I'm really excited about how it turned out. I managed to have all the characters on the cover that I plan to feature art & bios in my book. What do you think?
I still have two more chibis to come though. And other art to show! Please visit again soon.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Chibi Ruka and Ryru

To join the rest of my little chibi collection, here is another pair, Ruka Jojiiky from G6 and her gender-swapped version, Ryru Jojiika from Covenant.
Ruka by herself - cutesy but naughty.
And Ryru looking like a little imp.
Yes, these two don't have nearly as cute of eyes as my other chibis, but this is intentional. Ruka and Ryru are both vessels of the "Unholy" and always have quite creepy eyes.
They're still cute in their own ways though, I think. :3
I love how these chibis exhibit just how alike and yet different these two are. They have the same eyes, similar hair, and same mischevious grin... and yet Ruka is all cutesy-cutesy in her frills and ribbons, while Ryru is much more masculine.
It is also fun to compare these little guys to other drawings I've done of these characters:
Ruka in color:
Ryru and Ruka sketch:
Now that all 6 chibis for my cover are done, I will add them to that image and then post the finished cover here! But I have 2 more chibis coming your way also... 1 is One-Wing, and the other is a mystery! Keep watching for these.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Chibi Moon Dancer and Dusk

Aw, itty bitty wolfies Moon Dancer & Dusk are dancing the night away. Don't you wish you could join them?
In a way, you can! The new, fully revised novel Moon Dancer is now completed in pdf form! Email me at to be one of the first to preview the 337-page novel before it is sent to be published. (See my previous posts labeled "Moon Dancer" for a synopsis of the plot.)
Also, a secret... I may or may not have begun a new novel which may or may not be the sequel... ^__^