Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Dawn of a New Generation

It's been a little while since my last post... but I am able to make it up to you all by posting a whole bunch of art today. :)
Over this winter break, Generation 6 (G6) has just given way to the next generation, G7! And here are the first characters of the new generation - at least, the ones of my creation.

Consecutively, they are William Princeton, Dawn Halflight, Corine Lancaster, and Curtis Nestle.
As one might be able to tell by the title of this post, this time I am going to be focusing on Dawn today. Here she is in her combat attire:
And here is my very first drawing of her in the same outfit:
But Dawn is not the only character I've drawn in combat attire. Here's Corine:
Don't worry, the guys are still to come. :)

Monday, December 14, 2009

One-Wing Cosplay Series #4 - Remilia

And One-Wing dresses up again, this time as Touhou's Remilia Scarlet. Though I know very little about the games, I confess that I love Remilia's design very much and had to depict One-Wing in her outfit. Remilia is the first character One-Wing has dressed as that really has wings -- and so I depicted her with a wing that looked like Remilia's rather than her usual feathered wing.
And of course she had to have a mischievous expression to match. :)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

[50th post!] One-Wing Cosplay Series #3 - Miku

50 Posts!!!!!
To celebrate, I decided to return to a series of drawings I began awhile ago, all which can be found here on my blog, of my muse One-Wing dressing up as various anime characters.
#1= Shinku from Rozen Maiden
#2= Saber from Fate/Stay Night
And now here's #3 = Miku from Vocaloid
I actually drew One-Wing as Miku around the same time as the other two but did not get around to coloring it until just yesterday. And even though I didn't spend all that much time on it, I think it looks pretty nice.
I admit it, I LOVE Miku. I have definately caught Miku fever just like half of the otaku community. I even have a plushie of her now, and listen to her music about 25% of the time (which is a lot considering how much I listen to music). This just goes to show how far a good character concept and design can go. I hope that someday maybe people will love my characters too - though their popularity will very likely not be as HUGE as Miku's. Hehe.
With Christmas break on its way, I am about to have a lot of time on my hands. And that means I'll be making a lot of art. And that means I'll be posting a lot of art. So come and visit often this Holiday season :)

edit - Apparently only 48 posts are listed on my blog page. That probably means I deleted 2 but they are still counted in my main count. Awww. Well I still am going to keep this labeled as the 50th. :P

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Rose in 3d! - Maya - Complete!

And here's the final render of Rose.
Isn't she cute? I actually spent quite a bit of time in photoshop painting on extra details after the modeling was done to make her perfect. And now she looks like could just about walk out of the screen.
I did model the rose on the side entirely on my own. It wasn't as complicated as it looks; I found a method that worked pretty well. Overall, I think I'm really improving with Maya, and am not nearly as frustrated with it as I once was. Maybe I'll make some more cool stuff with it someday. :)
Next post will be my 50th on this blog! I should make it something special ^.^
Comment please!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Rose In 3d! - Maya (Unfinished)

It occured to me that I've never once posted any of my 3d work. Well, time for something new!
Remember Rose, from my flash animation half a year ago? If not, this might jog your memory:

And now I've started building her in 3d, via Autodesk Maya! Take a look at what I've got so far:

As you can see, she still needs arms... >w<>
She'll be done in about a week, and I will post finished shots!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Elhiroth Concept Sketches & Covenant News

And it's more art for my character artbook... Elhiroth!!!

For those of you keeping up with Covenant, you're probably wondering when you'll actually be finding more out about this guy! So I thought I'd let you know how progress is coming along on my graphic novel project...
Firstly, as some might expect, Covenant has been placed on the back-burner as I have so many other projects consuming my time. So what will become of it? Well, firstly, I promise to finish Chapter Three at the very least. And Chapter Three is when Elhiroth introduces himself and we find out more about who he is, so that answers the question above. However, it will be some time before it's through. Drawing-wise I am about half-way finished with Chapter Three, but that doesn't include clean-up, rendering, etc. Yet I plan on tackling it over Christmas break and hopefully I might be able to get it done if not get significantly far on it.
Thank you all for waiting; I hope I can make it worth the wait. :)