Okay you guys... so the last couple of weeks have literally been the most busy in my entire life - not kidding. :(
As you may have noticed, I haven't posted for a long time. Well, that's why. And I'm not out of the tunnel yet, either, although I can see the light at the end now, at least!
Anyhow, this unfortunately means I haven't gotten a whole lot of time to work on art lately. However, it doesn't stop me from drawing completely. So, I thought I'd post my latest stuff just to remind you all that hey, I'm still alive and making stuff! But due to my schedule, it will all be (for now) in pencil.
First, a new character design: Kel Zeiter! She will make an appearance, somewhere, some time, some place... ;)

An important scene from the generational role-play G7...

And lastly, an introduction to my latest written novel project,
Forsaken ... (And no, I haven't had time to work on this much either. Urgh I hate being busy...)