Now that the opening sequence for the game is finished, it's back to making more vector models! Firstly, here's our armadillo heroine that helps out the SpyRats, Annie.
Not only is she cute and smart, but she can roll completely into a ball. Handy!
Now on to more villains. I've already introduced Blueclaw the cat and his sly siamese minion, Ming. Now, here is another siamese minion. This is Soonyi (pronounced "Sue-nee"). Unlike his playful counterpart, Soonyi is more of a bully.
Here are both siamese minions together! Obviously two very different kitties.
They are siamese if you please. They are siamese if you don't please...
Just as a side note, I get to do the vocals for Ming! I'm excited about that. (After all, I love villains.) It will also be quite a contrast to the deep voice of Jake Haffie who voices Soonyi.