Sunday, May 30, 2010

Flash Model - Miku Append

You can expect a lot of Flash stuff in the near future from me. That's because I have two projects going atm: The first is "Append 7," which I will explain more about later, and the second is bringing the MousePaw characters (Remmie & the Lab Rats) into Flash for animated/lip sync sequences.
Needless to say, this Miku Append, which is the new design for Miku which appears on the box-art of the newly released add-on program of the same name, is for "Append 7." She will be interesting to animate because unlike Miku Prime, she does not walk, rather she "floats" using the hover devise around her waist. :)
Vocaloid fans will know that there are 6 different "appends" for Miku - Soft, Dark, Sweet, Solid, Vivid, and Light. But what's this Append 7...? Hmmmm...
I have lots of cool ideas in my head for this...hopefully I will be able to bring them all to life once I get better adapted with Flash CS4. Keep coming back! ^^

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Test Animation: Miku Walks

Just to get the hang of animating complex models in flash, I decided to start with a basic walk animation. And here it is! It isn't nearly perfect - but that's why it's just practice ;)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Flash Models - Miku & Izaya

I'm starting a new animation project.
The first step (well, after getting the storyline down) is making the character models. And so I made these in Flash:
Anime fans may recognize these two very popular characters. They are:
- Miku Hatsune from Vocaloid
- Izaya Orihara from Durarara!!
So why have I made modes of them and what do they have to do with one another? That's still going to be a secret...for now. But both characters are major players in my next project...
I made a version of Izaya with and without his jacket:

The cool thing about building characters in flash is that they are vectors, which means no matter how close up I zoom, they don't get fuzzy!
Close-up of Miku:

Close-up of Izaya:

But the most important part about these models is they're completely animatable. Both are ready to become players in the original storyline which I will tell you about later! Keep watching. :) First I have to model a few other characters...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Touhou Fan-art - Flandre & Youmu

I haven't posted some fan-art in awhile, so I thought I would.
For those who don't know, Touhou is a set of computer games featuring a vast cast of girls that fight each other via magic spells. While I've never played these games, I have to say I've been intrigued by many of the character designs! Maybe it's just because they're all wearing cute frilly dresses but are still incredibly powerful... Hehe.
Anyhow, I enjoy drawing the Touhou girls quite a bit so I thought I'd post two here today.
First, the cute little mischief, Flandre Scarlet... she's probably my favorite along with her sister Remilia.
Don't ask me to explain the purpose behind her odd wings, though... all I know is they don't use any laws of physics that I know of... :3
And then here's Youmu Konpaku, who is apparently half-ghost. At first I thought her design was too simple, but I've gotten fond of it over time.
It's so fun to be free to draw again! I will continue to make up for my lack of posting with lots more soon :3

Saturday, May 8, 2010

3d Poses

I decided that throughout the next week, I'm going to post lots of fun little things I've been working on that I thought you guys might enjoy. Today I'm going to post screenshots of poses I modeled in Maya.
First off, the infamous love/hate pose! (Okay, so it's not infamous, I just love it. To see the original drawing this is based off of, click here)
Talking on the phone... yes, I modeled that chair from scratch.
Graceful leap...
More random poses...

And best for last. I decided to try my hand at modeling the same pose from my recent drawing "Defeated by Flowers" and was very pleased with the result so I took a few shots of it. :)

Rigs used = Andy (female) and Norman (male)
More fun stuff to come.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"MY Snack!!" A 3d animated short made in Maya

"MY Snack!!!!"

That's right, posting two days in a row! That's because it's that time of year - final projects are all being finished.

I know I don't post a lot of Maya stuff but I just had to show you guys this cute little animation I made for my 3d animation class.

Since this is just a quick playblast and not a full render, it is not very detailed. So, I decided to post a few screenshots so you can see the facial expressions better. :3

Monday, May 3, 2010

One-Wing Art DEMO REEL 1.0 !

Today, One-Wing's Gallery turns One-Year Old!! My very first post, "Introducting One-Wing," appeared on exactly this day, May 3, 2009.
That being said, how appropriate is it that one year later, I post the culmination of all my works, a 3-minute video clip of all my best in art and animation? And so, here it is... I've posted two previews for you, and now it's the whole thing. Click the screenshot to head on over to youtube and enjoy. :)

Or you can click here.
Keep in mind that this is only version 1.0, there will be many many versions to follow as I continue to make more works and update my reel with them.
The first change will no doubt be the replacing of one or both of the flash clips at the end, as they are too similar! I intend to make lots more flash projects over the summer :D
Now you guys, I want your feedback now more than ever before! This is what I'm going to show to potential employers and I need as much critique as possible to make it the best I can. Have at it! Does the music bug you? Are the transitions too fast? Should I show more things? Less things?
Thank you so much for giving me a reason to post all my works online for an entire year. I will do my best to continue to post quality work for you guys.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Defeated by Flowers

Yes. I like drawing couples. That should shock no one anymore. ^^;
Again I tried a few new things here, especially the flower print on the dress. I hope you all like it.
In other news, on this coming Monday, One-Wing's Gallery becomes One-Year Old! To celebrate, I have a veeeeery special post planned... those keeping track of my blog might have a hint of what it is... :3