Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Annie & Soonyi

Now that the opening sequence for the game is finished, it's back to making more vector models! Firstly, here's our armadillo heroine that helps out the SpyRats, Annie.
Not only is she cute and smart, but she can roll completely into a ball. Handy!
Now on to more villains. I've already introduced Blueclaw the cat and his sly siamese minion, Ming. Now, here is another siamese minion. This is Soonyi (pronounced "Sue-nee"). Unlike his playful counterpart, Soonyi is more of a bully.

Here are both siamese minions together! Obviously two very different kitties.

They are siamese if you please. They are siamese if you don't please...
Just as a side note, I get to do the vocals for Ming! I'm excited about that. (After all, I love villains.) It will also be quite a contrast to the deep voice of Jake Haffie who voices Soonyi.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Operation SpyRat: Word4Word Opening Sequence - finished!

Weeks go by with nothing to show...but that's all done now! As promised, here it is - the Opening Sequence animation that I've been working on for so long.

Just hop on over to youtube to watch it. :)

Up next will be more character models for the games, as well as other illustrations of a new style... Come back again soon. ^^

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Pencil Drawings

This happens every time I get busy with a big project. Because I'm directing so much of my efforts to MousePaw, I don't really have the time to fully render out my drawings, but it doesn't stop me from drawing. So here's my latest sketches. (They're all either original characters or fan art.)

This last one is special. I guarantee that you will see it again, somewhere... Somewhere you probably won't expect!
Hm... these drawings all have one main thing in common. I should really start drawing some more guys! >w<

Friday, August 6, 2010

Operation SpyRat logo

I've still been working away on animating & making art assets for Operation SpyRat: Word 4 Word.
I'm not quite ready to show you any more animation yet - though the opening sequence will be done SOON - but I can show you this logo that I just put together today.
Once again, Operation SpyRat is the name of the game series and Word 4 Word is the first title that we're going to be releasing for that series. (We being MousePaw Games - www.mousepawgames.com).
I think it turned out pretty nice. Now I can stick it on all the SpyRat stills to come. :)