Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Various Recent Drawings

Well, last week was a busy one work-wise, and so I wasn't able to do much posting or anything else. And so I've decided to put up some of my drawings from the last couple of weeks, even though they have not been cleaned up and colored to perfection just yet. Because I love to draw, even a busy schedule can't stop me from putting pencil to page whenever I get a spare moment.

First of all, here is a couple I've drawn many a time, a favorite from a roleplay from years past, whose story will always be near and dear to my heart. To those who still know and recognize these characters, this one's for you :) And I will be sure to color it in the future.
"Still the Yellow Rose's Colors Will Not Fade"

No story behind this one, I just thought I'd remind people that I don't just draw romance and pretty girls all the time. ;) Warriors are fun too.
The following pictures are part of an artistic experiment of mine. I've decided it'd be fun to compare and contrast characters by drawing a picture of one right-side-up and one upside-down, so that one can see different things from different perspectives, emphasizing the characters' similarities and differences.

This drawing is of Ruka Jojiiry from G6 and Ryru Jojiika from Covenant. What do these two have in common? Well, looking at their names might clue one in, but essentially, they are each other. Ryru came first, and Ruka is the gender-swapped version of him. Since I put them in different stories, it will be interesting to see how their lives compare to one another - and already they have taken very different turns despite their same origins!
Also, the outfits they are wearing are based off another gender-swapped couple, Rin Kagamine and Len Kagamine from Vocaloid, in their "Daughter of Evil" outfits. (Yes, I still have a strong love for Vocaloid...)

This drawing compares two couples from the G6 Roleplay, one that is more "good" and one that is more "evil" ... but really are not that different. (The couples are Lawrence & Artina, and Landyn & Ruka, respectively. Yes, the same Ruka as the previous drawing.)
I just like the composition of these drawings, and I suspect I will continue making things in this style.
Of course, this is not all I have made in the last couple of weeks, but the majority of my work has gone to chapter two of Covenant - and I'm glad to report that I'm about half-way through and should successfully meet my August deadline! Also, I've got something special planned in the meantime... my next post will be about "The making of Covenant" and will detail the process which I go through in creating each page. I hope you will all enjoy that.


  1. Really interesting concept with those last few drawings! And you pulled it off really well too-I love how the compositions are the same for each side so there is harmony in the drawing(and it also helps connect each side effectively) yet they each do express a different personality. I hope you keep on experimenting with this idea!
    And I also love the lines in all of these drawings! Just had to say that! :)

  2. Hey there... I love the top one, it is awesome, but I would say that wouldn't I!!!

    I really like you work...

