Thursday, July 29, 2010

Word 4 Word Opening Sequence Animation - Sneak Peek!

For all of you who are curious about the project I've been working on for the last month or so, here is a little glimpse.

Did you see the lip sync?! :D I still remember being in my Flash class and getting so excited when a guest speaker came and showed us how to do lip sync. Little did I know then that one day I'd be working on a game project where lip sync was a large part.

For those of you who are wondering - yes, both voices are me. Those probably won't be what we use for the final clip (so I'll have to tweak the sync a bit again, heh) but that's all I've got to work with for now, hehe. :3

Although I've only posted a short clip, I actually have 1 entire minute of animation completed for the opening sequence - I suspect it will be 3 minutes when done (including the credits). And that's what I'm up to!

Don't forget you can keep tabs of both sides of the work for Operation SpyRat: Word 4 Word on MousePaw's website,

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