Friday, October 23, 2009

Chibi Elhiroth!

As I mentioned before, I have been working on making little "chibi" versions of a few of my characters on Flash, based on the style that I designed Rose from "Rose's Debut." (Click on the "animation" tag to find this post.)
And the first one is done! Awwwww isn't Little Elhiroth so cute?? I think so.
If anyone is curious, here are the other characters that are going to be chibi-fied:
+ Analise (Covenant)
+ Moon Dancer (Moon Dancer)
+ Dusk (Moon Dancer)
+ Ruka (G6)
+ Ryru (Covenant)
and of course, One-Wing. ;3
Also, these little guys are totally animate-able, as you can see from this little clip here:

Love them? Well, if not, I do anyway. ^__^

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